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Lenore, "the Cute Little Dead Girl"

"Created for Sony's website ScreenBlast, these are no longer available. Any website distributing these is doing so without sony's permission, although Roman has given permission for people to distribute them as they see fit."

lenore 01 lenore 02 lenore 03 lenore 04 lenore 05 lenore 06 lenore 07 lenore 08 lenore 09 lenore 10 lenore 11 lenore 12 lenore 13 lenore 14 lenore 15 lenore 16 lenore 17 lenore 18 lenore 19 lenore 20 lenore 21 lenore 22 lenore 23 lenore 24 lenore 25 lenore 26

Radiskull and Devil Doll

"The current fate of the cartoon is in question. After the publishing of an official Radiskull & Devil Doll book in 2001, the series ended with no explanation. Episode 8 was apparently the last to be produced, with the never-shown Episode 9's script featured in the book. Joe Sparks lost his job at atom shockwave during the dot com crash of that year and no longer had time to work on animating the episode."

Radiskull 01 Radiskull 02 Radiskull 03 Radiskull 04 Radiskull 05 Radiskull 06 Radiskull 07 Radiskull 08

The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories

"Flash series created by Tim Burton, starring characters from his book "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories"."

staregirl 01

toxic boy 02

bowling ball head 03

robot boy 04

match girl 05

birth 06