Pilot The Nightmare Begins Parent Teacher Night Walk of Doom Bestest Friend NanoZIM Germs Dark Harvest Attack of the Saucer Morons The Wettening Career Day Battle-Dib A Room with a Moose Hamstergeddon Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy Planet Jackers Rise of the Zitboy Plague of Babies Bloaty's Pizza Hog Bolognius Maximus Game Slave 2 Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom Mysterious Mysteries Future Dib Door to Door FBI Warning of Doom Battle of the Planets Abducted The Sad, Sad Tale of Chickenfoot Megadoomer Lice TAK: The Hideous New Girl GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom Hobo 13 Walk for Your Lives The Most Horrible X-mas Ever Backseat Drivers From Beyond the Stars Mortos der Soul Stealer ZIM Eats Waffles The Frycook What Came from All That Space The Girl Who Cried Gnome Dib Ship Gaz: Taster of Pork Vindicated! The Voting of the Doomed Roboparents Gone Wild Simon Says Doom Invader Poonchy Nubs of Doom Top of the Line Return of Keef GIR's Big Day Mopiness of Doom Those! The Trial Day of da Spookies Ten Minutes to Doom It Feeds on Noodles Pants! Squishy: Hugger of World Pilot Yes, my lord! It's grotesque! Okey dokey! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The Nightmare Begins GIR, reporting for duty! I don't know! Wheeeeee hoo hoo hoo! Wheeeeeeee hoo hoo hoo! I'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom doom doo doom doom... Doom, doom, doom. The end! Ooh, what's that? Heehee. Yes my master! Groit! I saw a squirrel. It was doin' like this- I wanna be a mongoose. Master? Where did you go? Where are you? I dooo. Can I be a mongoose dog? Yes, sir! Okey dokey! Oh, your friend's at the window! Hello! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Parent Teacher Night No, wait! Come back! I need stuff! Yes, sir! Yes sir, right away! Ooh! This is my favorite show! Wait, no, this is my favorite show! Look! It's my favorite show! I love this show. I love this show. I love this show. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Walk of Doom Yeee heeee! I'm running, I'm running! I'm naked! I don't need it! I don't need it! Aw, my bees... Finally. Sir, guidance chip in place and fully functional, sir. Do we have to go right now? I wanna watch the scary monkey show! Ooh, I like madness! Oh, here. Um, that way. No, wait, um, it's over there. Oh, I left that at home. The guidy, chippy, thingy. To make room for the cupcake! I miss you, cupcake. Aw, it likes me! Why don't we ask the information humans for help? What about the bus? Are we gonna ride the sun home? I'm gonna eat a rat! I smell dooky! Woo! I like destroying! Kay. Yes sir! I emptied it out. To make room for the tuuunaa. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Bestest Friend Yes, my master. Yes sir! Leprechauns! Meow! Nothing. Oh, I can't take it, you're too smart for me. Keef is planning a surprise party for after skool. He gonna bring all the kids because he loves you! That boy loves you so much! I'm makin' the cake! Yes. Wait a minute... no. Aw, man! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Nano-Zim I got chocolate bubblegum! Oh yeaaah. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Germs Hooray for Earth! I understand. Let's go to my room, pig! Alright, see you later, pig! I'm gonna roll around the floor for a little bit, kay? Aw, somebody needs a hug! I'm gonna hug you! I still got a hug in me! Look, there it is. Lemme try. I lost it. Wanna bite! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Dark Harvest gir has no voice in the episode:( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Attack of the Saucer Morons Hi! Yaaaay! Yaaaay! What? Government man*: Excuse me, there has been a mistake! Government man: I am government man, come from the government, the government has sent me. Government man: Ho ho ho! This is not an alien life form! He is an experimental government aircraft! Government man: That's a government pig! Government man: Well, I have to take everything back to the home base now. Buh bye. I like you. Weeeee hoooo! (*it's gir in a giant mechanical government man!) ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The Wettening Hello! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Career Day gir has no voice in the episode:( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Battle-Dib gir has no voice in the episode:( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ A Room With A Moose Greetings, children of Earth! This is your new skool announcer! A special surprise mandatory field trip is happening for the following lucky children: Morla- Flan- Retch Rutchie- Everyone in Ms. Bitterses... class except for Zim. And especially Dib. All these children get to go to a special place made entirely of food. I like food. Now check this out! That's my favorite phase! Where are my walnuts? My walnuts! Moosey fate, say moosey fate! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Hamstergeddon Angry monkey. Mmmm hmmm. Where's Ultra-Peepi? Yes my lord! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain Tacos! Taco taco taco! Yes sir! Saaaay pleeeease! Where's my moose? Uh huh. I guess so. Okay, sheesh, lemme see, hmmm... I can't. Ooooh! Boring! Oooooh! Do a little dance! Daaance! Yay! Now we go up! Wooah, what's this do!?! I'm gonna make toast! Aw, don't be sad, master. I know what'll make you feel better. Uh huh... But how about some of this? Tacos! Must obey the taco man! Taaaacooos! I'm gonna get me some of these tacos! Maybe you're right. Maybe I'll get a giant burrito too. BUUUURRRRIIIITTOOO! What kinda drinks ya got? Gimme a large classic poop. I love the little tacos. I love them good. Yes master? Gimme! But I neeeeed tacos! I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes! Where's my mouth!?! Okey dokey. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy Ooooooooooooooh! What is it!?! What is it!?! Wait, if you destroyed Dib in the past, then he won't ever be your enemy, then you won't have to send a robot back to destroy him, and then he will be your enemy so you will have to send a robot back- Whyyy!?! Why my piggy!?! I love-ed you, piggy! I love-ed you! Doo dee doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo, doo dee doo dee doo, doo. Yay, we're doomed! It's like none of it ever happened! Where did the last piggy go? ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Planet Jackers Yes? Nothin'. I know, I'm scared too. I love this show. Wooo! Do that again! Let's make biscuits! Let's make biscuits! What about that one? So? He seems nice! G-force. Stolen? I like TV! Tell me a story about giant pigs! Yay! Aw. Yes. Hm. Ooooh! Yes, sir! Hi! It's done! Yay! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Rise of the Zitboy Thank you.... I... I love you.... I had a coupon! I like it! Don't worry, I like you too! I made it myself! You got a pimple! Just like on TV! I got some right here! Yes, I will stop. I will obey. I obey. I'm dancin' like a monkey! Monkey dance. Obey. Hypnotic powers. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Plague of Babies But Dib's seen us before. And he knows where we live. doo dee doo Oh yeah. Awww... He's cute! And stinky lookin'! He's just a baby! Hi baby! So? But I- Yes? I like babies! I'm gonna play with the babies! Okay! Babies! Wooo-hooo! Aw... I wanted to explode! Bye, baby! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Bloaty's Pizza Hog I'm guarding the house! None may pass! You are an intruder! He went down there. Yes! Wait... I dunno. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Bolognius Maximus gir has no voice in the episode:( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Game Slave 2 gir has no voice in the episode:( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom My taquitos! My taquitos! Eh, homina, eh... TAQUITOS! Hmm hmm hmm. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Mysterious Mysteries He's so mean to my master! He not like the Zim! I seen it! Dib is bad! Yeeheeheehe! I was the chubby lady hiding in the bushes! I'm on TV! That's when the giant squirrel showed up! No! The squirrel showed up first, then Dib showed up. And then the squirrel ate Dib's greasy head! And then the squirrel flew away! After that, he went back to his home planet to fight all the bad guys. Me and the squirrel are friends! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Future Dib Monkey!!! Awww, your little robot boy's broken! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Door to Door Why is his head so big!?! Why's his head so big!?! The mystery of the prize... Yes, my lord! Yaaaaay I'm gonna be sick! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ FBI Warning of Doom Who is it!?! I gonna watch it again! Shhhhh! You got any of them taquitos? No! I'm still watching it! I wanna see what happens! I need it! Whu... Why!?! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Battle of the Planets I gotta go, pig! I'll see you later! I GOTTA GO PIG! I'LL SEE YOU LATER! Are we there yet? Woo! Woo! Ohh, it's broken! It's fixed! Oh yeah! Woo! I can see up its nose! Mmm hmmm.. What's this do? What's that do? What's that do? What's this do? What's that do? What's this do? What's that do? What's this do? What's that do? What's this do? What's that do? What's that!?! What's that!?! What's that dooo! What's it do? What's it do? Okey dokey! Woo! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Abducted Oooooh! Hee hoo! Hi there! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The Sad, Sad Tale of Chickenfoot gir has no voice in the episode:( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ MegaDoomer It's got chicken legs! Ooooooooh! I had no idea! I'm floatin'. Awww... I can still see you! The plug thing! It's not plugged! Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble. Nyaaa! Wooo hoo! Chicken! I'm gonna eat you! Awwoh, you look so cute! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Lice gir has no voice in the episode:( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Tak: The Hideous New Girl No! You're not dirt! Your on fire! Your head smells like a puppy! And I'm... I dunno! Yay! Brains! No she didn't! Only if you dance with me! Doo dee doo dee doo dee doooo dee doo dee... Meooow! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ GIR Goes Crazy And Stuff Hi, cow! Bye, cow! Oooooh… Cows are my frieeeeends… WHEEEEOo!! Yes, sir! I like dooky! Weenies!! Weenieees! Dancin’ weenies, da na na naaa… Doo dee doo dee dooooo, waffles!! …Doody. Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee dooooo! Yes, sir! Doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee- Sir, target is a hologram and therefore not a threat to our mission! Blend in with the indigenous life, analyze their weaknesses, prepare for the coming of badness! Yay. Sir, it is merely a police siren- Yes, sir! Opening door! Running! Runninggg! I have captured the enemy for meat testing! Praise me! Praise meee!! With all due respect, you must know the SIR unit code enables free will in the event that the mission is threatened. This Police human was a threat. Didja know that? Right away…S-Sir… Observing… observing… observing…! Television is stupid. The master is not utilizing me properly! I will show my ‘Master’ how information collecting is done! An information center... Excellent. I require access to all human knowledge!! Not acceptable, Library-drone! The knowledge… it fills me… it is neat! Data canister is not yet full! You are no commander! You are a threat to the mission! Your methods are stupid! Your progress has been stupid! Your intelligence is stupid! For the sake of the mission, you must be terminated! Stupidity is the enemy! Zim is enemy! Target found! Eliminate moron! For the good of the mission… Yes. I didn’t like it. Vision…impaired! Can’t see!! Hi, floor! Make me a sammich! Sammiiiich!! Nyee hee hee! Sammich! Nyeh heh… G’bye!! G'byyye! G'byee! G’bye, g’bye!!! He’s gettin’ eaten by a shark. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom Finally!!! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Hobo 13 You get my Taquitos yet? Taquitos!!! And a clown with no head! Headless clown! Headless clown!!! How 'bout clown Taquitos? ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Walk for Your Lives No they didn't! I don't wanna! Okay! Yaaaay! It burns! K, a little to the left. Step foreword. Okay, look out for the monkey. Okay, look out for the other monkey. Okay? Okay? Look what I found! He smells real bad! I know what you meeean. What you saaaay? No it won't! But won't it just explode? Just like this- KABLAM! But no! No he wasn't! Won't the s'ploding hurt? But if the big s'plodey goes fast, won't it get all bad? ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The Most Horrible X-mas Ever I wants me a barrel of floss! I wants me two balls of glue- -TO BE MY FRIENDS! And I wants to go dancing NAKED! And I wants... And a chair made 'a cheese- And a table made 'a cheese and a... Hmmm mmmm... We wish you a merry jingly, we wish you a merry jingly, we wish yoooooooooou- I am! Hmm mmm, a little that way. No, a little back. Good, goood. No it wasn't! Yaaay! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Backseat Drivers From Beyond the Stars It's me! I was the turkey all along! I was the turkey! Me! Okee-dokee! Look at me go! I'm doing it! Wooo!!! I made mashed potatoes! Yaaaay! I don't know what you just said! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Mortos der Soul Stealer SAMMICH! I had a sammich in my head. PUPPIES! You didn't have to yell at me. I's just... I got rid of my sammich. I's just thinkin'- Yes, vermin lord! So, about my sammich... ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ZIM Eats Waffles Intruder! Okey dokey! Guess who made waffles! There's waffle in 'em! I like to make waffles... Hm? Wee hehehheheee! Woo! What happened? These got peanuts and soap in 'em! You look like you need waffles, poop poop poooop! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The Frycook What Came from All That Space Yes, my master! My master's in trouble! Hi! Oh yeaaaah! I's 'sposed to call the Tallest for him! He in trouble! Woo! Okey dokey! And then my master flew to the moon in a rocket of flamin' cheese! I like cheese! Cheese, cheese, cheese... (continuous) ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The Girl Who Cried Gnome We're on TV! We're on TV! You gonna make biscuits? You gonna make biscuits? You gonna make biscuits? You gonna make biscuits? ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Dib Ship Oooooh. I like corn! I do. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Gaz: Taster of Pork Yaaay! I got monkeys in me! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Vindicated! I gotta eat that fish! Hey! Look at this! Doodeedoodeedooo! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The Voting of the Doomed SALTED NUTS! SALTED NUTS! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ RoboparentsGoneWild Hee hee hee. Pain. THAT'S GOOOOD SPAGHETTI!!! MWHEEEHEEEHEEE!!! YAAAY!! He stinks like a weenie! I smell it. Yeeeah. A weenie. Ya KNOWWWW? Weenie ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Simon says Doom gir has no appearance:( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ InvaderPoonchy Fooooled you! Now there's two GIR's! That's BBEEF GIR! LET'S EAT'IM! I WISH I KNEW! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Nubs of Doom I gonna play with the cheese. Whatchadoin?? WHATCHADOING?????? WHATCHADOING?? HUH? WHACHOODOIN!? He got nubs! Let's Go Swimmin', Moose! Oh. Nuh uh. Pick me up a SUCKMUNKY You get my SUCKMUNKY yet? YAY! I get to play with the moose! (singing) Playin' with the moose! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Top of the Line I dunno yet what anyone says in this episode sorry ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Return of Keef But he so nice. You just gotta give him a chance, and open up his head and sleep in it like a squishy little bed. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ GIR's Big Day No complete scripts exists for this cancelled episode. This is how the plot would've gone: While fetching supplies for ZIM, GIR gets hit by a truck. Some scientists witness this event and are amazed at how GIR is fine after the accident. They abduct him for their "ultimate doggy" experiment. They decide to combine GIR's strength with the obedience of another dog. While getting a sample of GIR, they only retrieve a bit of doughnut crumbs. They unknowingly create a horrible doughnut-dog monster. A scientist then helps GIR escape. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Mopiness of Doom I call you a monkey. YOU A MONKEY! Oh yeah! Hee hee. I made that! Don't tell no one where I hid them. You gonna yell at me now!? And how was Skool, son?! I miss you, Couch. I miss you so much. Listen to me, he needs you Mary! You two such good friends! Like hot dogs! Please hunt my master again! COUCH!! YAAYYY! COUCH!!! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Those! I dunno yet what anyone says in this episode sorry ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The Trial (never to be aired) MONKEY?! DON'T LEAVE ME, MONKEY!! That's soo saaaad. Push the monkey? WOO!! GIR drinks more SuckMunky and spills much all over his doggy suit. We zoom in on GIR as he reaches into his pockets and pulls out the medallion he was given earlier. Inscribed on the medallion is "KING GIR: RULER OF EARTH". GIR giggles. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Day of Da' Spookies WHAT IS IT? TELL MEEEE!! TELLL MEEEEE! AGHHH!!!! AGHHH!!!! TELL ME!! AAAAGH!! This is too scary! I don't know You live in the basement! ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Ten Minutes to Doom GIR says nothing :( ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ It Feeds on Noodles No complete scripts exists for this cancelled episode. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Pants! No complete scripts exists for this cancelled episode. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Squishy: Hugger of Worlds No complete scripts exists for this cancelled episode. ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^